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OSX – Brew Commands

Install Homebrew ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL” Show available versions available for install: brew versions [formula] Install/Switch to a different version: brew switch [formula] [version] Stop using a version brew unlink...

Tesseract OCR

OSX: brew install imagemagick brew install tesseract –all-languages Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install imagemagick tesseract\* Sample Usage:    convert input image to grayscale using imagemagik convert input.png -colorspace Gray output.tif     decode with tesseract...

SparkleShare + Dashboard

SparkleShare: # Run all of the following commands as the root su # Fetch the Dazzle script curl \ –output /usr/bin/dazzle && chmod +x /usr/bin/dazzle # Run the initial setup dazzle setup # Link...

Bash Script Hosts file Ad Blocker

Put in cron or run manually. #!/bin/bash # If this is our first run, save a copy of the system’s original hosts file and set to read-only for safety if [ ! -f /etc/hosts.bak ] then echo “Saving copy of system’s original hosts file…” sudo...