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Driftnet x64 Fix

apt-get source driftnet START COPY BELOW LINE —————— — driftnet-0.1.6/image.c 2002-07-09 20:26:41.000000000 +0100 +++ 2006-08-22 21:14:38.000000000...

Perl – Send Email via Secure Mail Server

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Modules Needed: # apt-get install libssl-dev # perl -MCPAN -e shell # install Net::SSLeay # install IO::Socket::SSL # install Authen::SASL # install Net::SMTP::SSL use Net::SMTP::SSL; sub send_mail { my $to = $_[0]; my $subject = $_[1]; my $body =...

USB hardware power on off

  Site: Source: apt-get install libusb-dev gcc -o hub-ctrl hub-ctrl.c -lusb lsusb Usage: hub-ctrl [{-h HUBNUM | -b BUSNUM -d DEVNUM}] \ [-P PORT] [{-p [VALUE]|-l [VALUE]}]...

SipToSis – Debian init.d script

Here is init script I made to start stsProxy and stsTrunk seems to work fine. If any one has comments or suggestions to it please add or feel free to modify it post and better ways of doing this. Just save the code to: /etc/init.d/siptosis then:$ chmod +x...