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Software.OSX – MiddleMan

Software.OSX – MiddleMan

Overview MiddleMan is a MITM or ARP poison detection application. A Man in The Middle attack may allow an attacker to intercept data such as financial information, modify traffic, or stop the traffic. This program aims to protect you on your local network. It is not...

OSX Wireless / Airport Terminal Commands

Make airport app available: sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/sbin/airport Airport app commands: Supported arguments: -c[<arg>] –channel=[<arg>] Set arbitrary channel on the card...

OSX – Brew Commands

Install Homebrew ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL” Show available versions available for install: brew versions [formula] Install/Switch to a different version: brew switch [formula] [version] Stop using a version brew unlink...

Tesseract OCR

OSX: brew install imagemagick brew install tesseract –all-languages Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install imagemagick tesseract\* Sample Usage:    convert input image to grayscale using imagemagik convert input.png -colorspace Gray output.tif     decode with tesseract...

Misc useful OSX commands

Remove the “Last login” message from the Terminal touch .hushlogin Enable/Disable Firewall defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int 1 0 = off 1 = on for specific services 2 = on for essential services   launchctl load -w...