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A better

Got tired of manually having to edit source files when I added a ppa to the last release(s) so now does it automaticly. If you have suggestions please leave in comments. Thanks #!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 1 ] distVer=(`lsb_release -sc` vivid utopic...

Fixes Teamviewer initctl start on Ubuntu

Problem: initctl start teamviewerd initctl: Unknown job: teamviewerd fail Solved: sudo /opt/teamviewer8/tv_bin/teamviewerd -f Reference: OR TRY: sudo teamviewer –daemon enable Other solution is this one: cp...

CLI – Speedtest

How to test speed from command line: wget -O /dev/null http://link-to-speedtest/ – you know, the file is downloaded right into the RAM Memory so it isn’t hard-disk dependent anymore. Misc test files: SoftLayer: wget -O /dev/null...